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VA05-614 Methodologies and Ethics for Social Sciences Research (9798369317266)(文景書局)

ISBN: IGI97917266 Year: 2024  Price: US$ 245.00
Author: Aytekin Demircioglu
A b s t r a c t

Ethics, the moral compass guiding our actions, stands at the core of academic integrity. In the field of social sciences research, ethical violations persist as a silent threat, overshadowing the pursuit of knowledge. Uncovering the pervasive challenges, Methodologies and Ethics for Social Sciences Research boldly addresses the often-overlooked ethical breaches within scientific research. From plagiarism to the distortion of data, the book meticulously dissects common ethical pitfalls, emphasizing their significance in maintaining the credibility and trustworthiness of research outcomes. Recognizing the global nature of academic endeavors, the book sheds light on the cultural factors influencing ethical considerations, fostering a collective awareness among scholars.

Methodologies and Ethics for Social Sciences Research transcends geographical boundaries, offering a comprehensive exploration of research methodologies in social sciences. It equips researchers, academics, teachers, and students with the tools to navigate the intricate terrain of scientific inquiry while upholding ethical standards. With a focus on the multicultural perspective, the book features contributions from academics worldwide, enriching the narrative with diverse experiences and insights. By incorporating practical examples of ethical violations from different countries, it not only highlights common ethical dilemmas but also provides a foundation for a shared global understanding of research ethics.

The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to:
•Case Research
•Experimental Research
•Interpretive Research
•Qualitative Analysis
•Quantitative Analysis
•Research Design
•Research Ethics
•Research Process
•Research Sampling
•Science and Scientific Research
•Survey Research
•Theories in Scientific Research

VA05-163-4 The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781071836743 Year: 2024 Editon: 6  Price: GBP 96.00
Author: Norman K. Denzin
A b s t r a c t

This new edition of the SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research represents the sixth generation of the ongoing conversation about the discipline, practice, and conduct of qualitative inquiry. As with earlier editions, the Sixth Edition is virtually a new volume, with 27 of the 34 chapters representing new topics or approaches not seen in the previous edition, including intersectionality; critical disability research; postcolonial and decolonized knowledge; diffraction and intra-action; social media methodologies; thematic analysis, collaborative inquiry from the borderlands; qualitative inquiry and public health science; co-production and the politics of impact; publishing qualitative research; and academic survival. Authors in the Sixth Edition engage with questions of ontology and epistemology, the politics of the research act, the changing landscape of higher education, and the role qualitative researchers play in contributing to a more just, egalitarian society.

To mark the Handbook’s 30-year history, we are pleased to offer a bonus PART VI in the eBook versions of the Sixth Edition: this additional section brings together and reprints ten of the most famous or game-changing contributions from the previous five editions. You can bundle the print + eBook version with bundle ISBN: 978-1-0719-2874-5.

SA05-517 Longitudinal Structural Equation Modeling(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781462553143 Year: 2024 Editon: 2  Price: US$ 85.00
Author: Todd D. Little
A b s t r a c t

Beloved for its engaging, conversational style, this valuable book is now in a fully updated second edition that presents the latest developments in longitudinal structural equation modeling (SEM) and new chapters on missing data, the random intercepts cross-lagged panel model (RI-CLPM), longitudinal mixture modeling, and Bayesian SEM. Emphasizing a decision-making approach, leading methodologist Todd D. Little describes the steps of modeling a longitudinal change process. He explains the big picture and technical how-tos of using longitudinal confirmatory factor analysis, longitudinal panel models, and hybrid models for analyzing within-person change. User-friendly features include equation boxes that translate all the elements in every equation, tips on what does and doesn't work, end-of-chapter glossaries, and annotated suggestions for further reading. The companion website provides data sets for the examples—including studies of bullying and victimization, adolescents' emotions, and healthy aging—along with syntax and output, chapter quizzes, and the book’s figures.

SA05-517 Computational Models for Social Network Analysis(文景書局)

現貨供應 ISBN: 9781774699126 Year: 2024  Price: US$ 165.00
Author: Ravi Ranjan Kumar
A b s t r a c t

This book delves into themes including social network theory, computational methods, data analysis, and the application of network models to understand complex social systems. Undergraduate students studying social sciences gain insights into network analysis, equipping them with valuable skills for analyzing social relationships and structures. Practitioners in fields such as sociology, anthropology, and data science expand their data analysis skills, making it a valuable resource for professionals engaged in social network analysis. Policymakers can draw from this knowledge to inform policies and interventions that leverage social network insights, and the general public gains awareness of the role of computational models in understanding human behavior and social networks.

SA05-516 Bayesian Statistics for the Social Sciences(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781462553549 Year: 2024 Editon: 2  Price: US$ 69.00
Author: David Kaplan
A b s t r a c t

The second edition of this practical book equips social science researchers to apply the latest Bayesian methodologies to their data analysis problems. It includes new chapters on model uncertainty, Bayesian variable selection and sparsity, and Bayesian workflow for statistical modeling. Clearly explaining frequentist and epistemic probability and prior distributions, the second edition emphasizes use of the open-source RStan software package. The text covers Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, Bayesian linear regression and generalized linear models, model evaluation and comparison, multilevel modeling, models for continuous and categorical latent variables, missing data, and more. Concepts are fully illustrated with worked-through examples from large-scale educational and social science databases, such as the Program for International Student Assessment and the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study. Annotated RStan code appears in screened boxes; the companion website provides data sets and code for the book's examples.

SA05-516 Social Research Methodology: Qualitative and Quantitative Designs(文景書局)

現貨供應 ISBN: 9781032624853 Year: 2024  Price: GBP 35.99
Author: Avdhesh Jha

Disrupting the Academy with Lived Experience-Led Knowledge(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781447366348 Year: 2024  Price: GBP 26.99
Author: Maree Higgins
A b s t r a c t

This book firmly positions lived experience-led expertise as a unique and compelling form of knowledge in decolonising and disrupting research, teaching and advocacy.

Based on the insights of people with first-hand experiences, each chapter presents unique accounts and reflections on a diverse range of social justice issues. Together, the authors’ perspectives centre lived experiences in the production of knowledge, challenge outsider-imposed views, and create new research and writing norms. They demonstrate that when lived experience experts lead the way, their knowledge of how to address social injustices can enrich, transform and decolonise research, teaching and advocacy.

This collection is an invaluable resource for academic and community-based researchers, practitioners, advocates, educators, policymakers, students and people whose lived experiences and views continue to be marginalised across diverse settings.

Disrupting the Academy with Lived Experience-Led Knowledge(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781447366331 Year: 2024  Price: GBP 80.00
Author: Maree Higgins

Photovoice Reimagined(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781447369387 Year: 2024  Price: GBP 14.99
Author: Nicole Brown
A b s t r a c t

Over the past decades, ‘photovoice’ has emerged as a participatory and creative research method in which participants capture and discuss their reality through photographs.

This indispensable ‘how-to’ book with exercises and visual aids takes novice and veteran researchers through the practicalities and ethics of applying this approach.

Photovoice Reimagined(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781447369370 Year: 2024  Price: GBP 60.00
Author: Nicole Brown

Rights and Social Justice in Research: Advancing Methodologies for Social Change(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781447368298 Year: 2024  Price: GBP 85.00
Author: Kathryn McGarry
A b s t r a c t

Can our research create conditions for people to flourish? What kinds of questions do we ask about the social world and how knowledge is produced? Does our approach to research itself matter?

This edited collection explores and illustrates the nature of research for social justice. Drawing on a diverse range of social research projects, it examines research with and for young people, marginalised communities and those who work to further social justice and human rights goals.

Providing key examples of the tools, processes and outcomes of research relevant to social justice, including where and how these frameworks can be used in the design and execution of research, this is a much-needed intervention to social research methodology.

Biographical Research and New Social Architecture: Challenges and Opportunities During a Global Pandemic(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781447368908 Year: 2024  Price: GBP 80.00
Author: Lyudmila Nurse
A b s t r a c t

What are the building blocks of the new societal architectures after COVID-19? What are the evolving lifestyle patterns, social connections and relationality, and what can biographical research bring to explore these unprecedented societal circumstances?

This first book in a new series "Advances in Biographical Research" focuses on the place of biographical research in analysing and shaping social futures characterized by physical distancing and isolation, social fragmentation, trauma and vulnerability, including breaks in biographical trajectories.

Written by experienced and early career researchers, it demonstrates how biographical research responds to new societal architectures: theoretically and empirically.

VA05-611 The Sage Handbook of Social Network Analysis(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781529779615 Year: 2023 Editon: 2  Price: GBP 135.00
Author: John McLevey
A b s t r a c t

This new edition of The Sage Handbook of Social Network Analysis builds on the success of its predecessor, offering a comprehensive overview of social network analysis produced by leading international scholars in the field.

Brand new chapters provide both significant updates to topics covered in the first edition, as well as discussing cutting edge topics that have developed since, including new chapters on:

· General issues such as social categories and computational social science;
· Applications in contexts such as environmental policy, gender, ethnicity, cognition and social media and digital networks;
· Concepts and methods such as centrality, blockmodeling, multilevel network analysis, spatial analysis, data collection, and beyond.

By providing authoritative accounts of the history, theories and methodology of various disciplines and topics, the second edition of The SAGE Handbook of Social Network Analysis is designed to provide a state-of-the-art presentation of classic and contemporary views, and to lay the foundations for the further development of the area.


VA05-610 The Sage Handbook of Mixed Methods Research Design(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781529723960 Year: 2023  Price: GBP 135.00
Author: Cheryl N. Poth
A b s t r a c t

With contributions from over 80 of the biggest names and rising stars of the field, this Handbook is an essential resource for anyone interested in the contemporary, emerging, and evolving practice of mixed methods research and scholarship. Exploring new and novel applications of existing mixed methods research design practices, the handbook provides comprehensive integration guidance while showcasing how design innovations inspire and contribute to investigating previously under-researched social issues and populations. Through its unique focus on design and the diverse contexts in which mixed methods research is being applied, this Handbook prepares researchers for the changing conditions in which they will conduct studies. Newcomers and seasoned mixed methods researchers alike will find this Handbook a go-to source for tools to think and act ‘complexively’ and creatively in research design. Using accessible language and illustrative examples, this Handbook is written for those with various roles and experience in mixed methods research design. The in-depth discussions led by the interdisciplinary group of 11 internationally renowned editorial section leads project our collective thinking of mixed methods research design into the future across the following six sections:

Section 1: Inspiring Diversity and Innovation in Mixed Methods Design
Section 2: The Craft of Mixed Methods Research Design
Section 3: Expanding Mixed Methods Design Approaches
Section 4: Designing Innovative Integrations with Technology
Section 5: Navigating Research Cultures in Mixed Methods Design
Section 6: Exploring Design Possibilities and Challenges for Mixed Methods Research

VA05-604 The SAGE Handbook of Survey Development and Application(文景書局)

  SAGE 調查開發和應用手冊
ISBN: 9781529758498 Year: 2023  Price: GBP 135.00
Author: Lucy R. Ford
A b s t r a c t

The SAGE Handbook of Survey Development and Application provides a practical resource that researchers can go to for cutting-edge tools to ensure they are employing the best survey research techniques.

This handbook not only covers the classic and innovational skills and approaches involved at every step of the survey research process, but also centres itself around applied, how-to guidance to aid readers in best practice.

Chapters engage with a broad range of topics including sampling issues, approaches to establishment of measurement equivalence, and the use of online labour pools in survey development.

With contributions from a global community of leading and emerging scholars across a wide variety of disciplines, this Handbook is focused on being applicable and accessible across the social sciences.

Containing over 120 tables and figures, checklists and tutorial guides, The SAGE Handbook of Survey Development and Application will serve as a one stop resource for survey research.

This handbook serves as a touchstone for a variety of fields such as Organizational Behavior, Industrial & Organizational Psychology, Management, Psychology, Educational Research, Marketing, Public Policy, and others.

PART 1: Conceptual Issues and Operational Definition
PART 2: Research Design Considerations
PART 3: Item Development
PART 4: Scale Improvement Methods
PART 5: Data Collection
PART 6: Data Management and Analysis
PART 7: Research Production and Dissemination
PART 8: Applications

SA05-515 Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781462551910 Year: 2023 Editon: 5  Price: US$ 75.00
Author: Rex B. Kline
A b s t r a c t

Significantly revised, the fifth edition of the most complete, accessible text now covers all three approaches to structural equation modeling (SEM)—covariance-based SEM, nonparametric SEM (Pearl’s structural causal model), and composite SEM (partial least squares path modeling). With increased emphasis on freely available software tools such as the R lavaan package, the text uses data examples from multiple disciplines to provide a comprehensive understanding of all phases of SEM—what to know, best practices, and pitfalls to avoid. It includes exercises with answers, rules to remember, topic boxes, and a new self-test on significance testing, regression, and psychometrics. The companion website supplies helpful primers on these topics as well as data, syntax, and output for the book's examples, in files that can be opened with any basic text editor.

SA05-515 Machine Learning for Social and Behavioral Research(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781462552924 Year: 2023  Price: US$ 62.00
Author: Ross Jacobucci
A b s t r a c t

Today's social and behavioral researchers increasingly need to know: “What do I do with all this data?” This book provides the skills needed to analyze and report large, complex data sets using machine learning tools, and to understand published machine learning articles. Techniques are demonstrated using actual data (Big Five Inventory, early childhood learning, and more), with a focus on the interplay of statistical algorithm, data, and theory. The identification of heterogeneity, measurement error, regularization, and decision trees are also emphasized. The book covers basic principles as well as a range of methods for analyzing univariate and multivariate data (factor analysis, structural equation models, and mixed-effects models). Analysis of text and social network data is also addressed. End-of-chapter “Computational Time and Resources” sections include discussions of key R packages; the companion website provides R programming scripts and data for the book's examples.

SA05-515 Evaluation Roots: Theory Influencing Practice(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781462551392 Year: 2023 Editon: 3  Price: US$ 55.00
Author: Marvin C. Alkin
A b s t r a c t

Showing how evaluation practice looks when guided by theory, the third edition of the influential “theory tree” book is significantly revised with over 80% new material, including a greater focus on equity and theories over theorists. Chapters from leading authorities describe the goals of each theory; the type of evaluation for which it is appropriate (formative, summary formative, summative, adaptive); the size of the program for which it is most applicable; specific prescriptions; and observable actions that help to define the theory. Readers are given the tools to select suitable approaches for the size, contexts and stage of an evaluation and their own personal values.

SA05-515 Handbook of Structural Equation Modeling(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781462544646 Year: 2023 Editon: 2  Price: US$ 125.00
Author: Rick H. Hoyle
A b s t r a c t

The definitive one-stop resource on structural equation modeling (SEM) from leading methodologists is now in a significantly revised second edition. Twenty-three new chapters cover model selection, bifactor models, item parceling, multitrait–multimethod models, exploratory SEM, mixture models, SEM with small samples, and more. The book moves from fundamental SEM topics (causality, visualization, assumptions, estimation, model fit, and managing missing data); to major model types focused on unobserved causes of covariance between observed variables; to more complex, specialized applications. Each chapter provides conceptually oriented descriptions, fully explicated analyses, and engaging examples that reveal modeling possibilities for use with the reader's data. The expanded companion website presents full data sets, code, and output for many of the chapters, as well as bonus selected chapters from the prior edition.

SA05-514 Ethnographic Research in the Social Sciences(文景書局)

現貨供應 ISBN: 9781032492339 Year: 2023  Price: GBP 34.99
Author: Madhulika Sahoo

SA05-509 Collaborative Qualitative Research(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781462550265 Year: 2023  Price: US$ 40.00
Author: Thalia M. Mulvihill
A b s t r a c t

Meeting a key need for qualitative researchers, this practical book presents tools for creating productive partnerships and managing each phase of a collaborative project. The authors provide guidelines for working across disciplines, status differentials (such as professor and student), and geographical locations. Collaboration within particular qualitative traditions—cross-cultural research, duoethnography, participatory action research, arts-based collaborations, and others—is described and illustrated with exemplars of published studies. Readers learn how to build research teams, formulate research questions, gather and analyze data, and assess how collaborations are working. Ethical questions are highlighted throughout: Who owns collaborative research? Who decides what aspects of the findings should be disseminated? How can inequitable power relations be redressed? Within-chapter “Pedagogical Pathways” sections provide practice exercises and opportunities for reflection.

Research Design: Quantitative, Qualitative, Mixed Methods, Arts-Based, and Community-Based Participatory Research Approaches(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781462548972 Year: 2023 Editon: 2  Price: US$ 50.00
Author: Patricia Leavy
A b s t r a c t

With a new chapter on the literature review, this accessible step-by-step guide to using the five major approaches to research design is now in a thoroughly revised second edition. The prior edition's user-friendly features are augmented by a new companion website with worksheets keyed to each chapter. For each approach, the text presents a template for a research proposal and explains how to conceptualize and fill in every section. Interdisciplinary research examples draw on current events and social justice issues. Unique coverage includes hot topics—replication studies, data sharing, and preregistration; tailoring proposals to different audiences; and more. Terminology commonly used in each approach is identified and key moments of ethical decision making are flagged. The book includes a general introduction to social research, an in-depth discussion of ethics, and a chapter on how to begin a research study.

Research Design: Quantitative, Qualitative, Mixed Methods, Arts-Based, and Community-Based Participatory Research Approaches(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781462550883 Year: 2023 Editon: 2  Price: US$ 75.00
Author: Patricia Leavy
A b s t r a c t

With a new chapter on the literature review, this accessible step-by-step guide to using the five major approaches to research design is now in a thoroughly revised second edition. The prior edition's user-friendly features are augmented by a new companion website with worksheets keyed to each chapter. For each approach, the text presents a template for a research proposal and explains how to conceptualize and fill in every section. Interdisciplinary research examples draw on current events and social justice issues. Unique coverage includes hot topics—replication studies, data sharing, and preregistration; tailoring proposals to different audiences; and more. Terminology commonly used in each approach is identified and key moments of ethical decision making are flagged. The book includes a general introduction to social research, an in-depth discussion of ethics, and a chapter on how to begin a research study.

Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781462552009 Year: 2023 Editon: 5  Price: US$ 113.00
Author: Kline, Rex B.
A b s t r a c t

Significantly revised, the fifth edition of the most complete, accessible text now covers all three approaches to structural equation modeling (SEM)—covariance-based SEM, nonparametric SEM (Pearl’s structural causal model), and composite SEM (partial least squares path modeling). With increased emphasis on freely available software tools such as the R lavaan package, the text uses data examples from multiple disciplines to provide a comprehensive understanding of all phases of SEM—what to know, best practices, and pitfalls to avoid. It includes exercises with answers, rules to remember, topic boxes, and a new self-test on significance testing, regression, and psychometrics. The companion website supplies helpful primers on these topics as well as data, syntax, and output for the book's examples, in files that can be opened with any basic text editor.

Evaluation Roots: Theory Influencing Practice(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781462551408 Year: 2023 Editon: 3  Price: US$ 83.00
Author: Marvin C. Alkin
A b s t r a c t

Showing how evaluation practice looks when guided by theory, the third edition of the influential “theory tree” book is significantly revised with over 80% new material, including a greater focus on equity and theories over theorists. Chapters from leading authorities describe the goals of each theory; the type of evaluation for which it is appropriate (formative, summary formative, summative, adaptive); the size of the program for which it is most applicable; specific prescriptions; and observable actions that help to define the theory. Readers are given the tools to select suitable approaches for the size, contexts and stage of an evaluation and their own personal values.

Cost-Inclusive Evaluation: Planning It, Doing It, Using It(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781462551248 Year: 2023  Price: US$ 50.00
Author: Nadini Persaud
A b s t r a c t

Is a given treatment, intervention, or program worth it? How can a program do more or better with less? Evaluating the costs of a program can be the missing link between a superficial evaluation and one that will get changes made and funding delivered. In accessible language and without complex formulas, this book provides a roadmap for measuring program costs and outcomes and analyzing cost-effectiveness, cost–benefit, and cost–utility. Also explained are simplified ways to use economic appraisal methodologies—such as net present valuation, internal rate of return computation, and payback period determination—in a cost-inclusive evaluation. Instructive examples span a range of human services, education, and health care contexts. Other evaluator- and student-friendly features include helpful graphics, procedure steps, end-of-chapter discussion questions, and acronym and key term glossaries.

Cost-Inclusive Evaluation: Planning It, Doing It, Using It(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781462551255 Year: 2023  Price: US$ 75.00
Author: Nadini Persaud
A b s t r a c t

Is a given treatment, intervention, or program worth it? How can a program do more or better with less? Evaluating the costs of a program can be the missing link between a superficial evaluation and one that will get changes made and funding delivered. In accessible language and without complex formulas, this book provides a roadmap for measuring program costs and outcomes and analyzing cost-effectiveness, cost–benefit, and cost–utility. Also explained are simplified ways to use economic appraisal methodologies—such as net present valuation, internal rate of return computation, and payback period determination—in a cost-inclusive evaluation. Instructive examples span a range of human services, education, and health care contexts. Other evaluator- and student-friendly features include helpful graphics, procedure steps, end-of-chapter discussion questions, and acronym and key term glossaries.

Research and Evaluation for Busy Students and Practitioners: A Survival Guide(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781447366249 Year: 2023 Editon: 3  Price: GBP 24.99
Author: Helen Kara
A b s t r a c t

Research doesn’t exist in a bubble but co-exists with a multitude of other tasks and commitments, yet there is more need for people to save time than ever before.

Brilliantly attuned to the demands placed on researchers, this book considers how students, academics and professionals alike can save time and stress without compromising the quality of their research or its outcomes.

Research and Evaluation for Busy Students and Practitioners: A Survival Guide(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781447366270 Year: 2023 Editon: 3  Price: GBP 90.00
Author: Helen Kara

Empowerment Evaluation and Social Justice: Confronting the Culture of Silence(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781462551958 Year: 2023  Price: US$ 40.00
Author: David M. Fetterman

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