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The European Private International Law of Obligations(文景書局)

ISBN: 9780414117549 Year: 2023 Editon: 6  Price: GBP 265.00
Author: Plender, Richard
A b s t r a c t

The European Private International Law of Obligations deals with conflict of laws as mediated by European rules and regulations. It provides unrivalled analysis of the Rome I and Rome II Regulations and their practical implications, helping practitioners interpret them since they came into force in 2009. It supplies expert commentary on the scope, principles and application of Rome I, governing the construction of contracts, and the rules governing non-contractual obligations under Rome II.

Between them the Rome Regulations comprise a common set of rules for the choice of law in international private law disputes, whether contractual or non-contractual. Practical knowledge of and guidance on the Regulations is essential for all practitioners involved in commercial transactions that involve an international element.

European Union Business Law: Representing Clients Doing Business in the European Union(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781647085179 Year: 2022 Editon: 2  Price: US$ 195.00
Author: Lloyd Bonfield
A b s t r a c t

Regardless of the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union, the EU remains a potent economic and political force on the international stage. American businesses, and their lawyers, cannot afford to ignore its institutions and law, because the Union is America’s largest trading partner. While the book places the Union in its historical and jurisprudential context and parses its institutional and constitutional structure, its focus is squarely upon the exposition of business law. It introduces American law students and lawyers to substantive law of the Union focusing upon free movement (of goods, workers, the self-employed, cross-border service providers, business entities, and capital), competition law, merger control, state subsidies, and cross-border investment regulation.

European Union Law including Brexit and Beyond in a Nutshell(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781647083014 Year: 2021 Editon: 10  Price: US$ 58.00
Author: Ralph H. Folsom
A b s t r a c t

This Nutshell covers the history and growth of the European Union including BREXIT and Beyond. The EU's legislative procedures, litigating EU law and the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice are reviewed. Free movement of goods, services, people (including mass migration), capital and technology, the EURO in crisis, and extensive internal Union policies are detailed. This Nutshell also examines EU international trade, foreign investment and business competition (antitrust) law.

EU Law as a Creative Process(文景書局)

ISBN: 9789462512788 Year: 2021  Price: EUR 69.50
Author: Pauline Phoa LL.Ms
A b s t r a c t

All legal texts tell us stories in many ways. What stories, what narratives, can be found in the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union? This book invites the reader to think of the world of EU law as a creative process. From such a perspective, the adjudicative praxis of the Court is an intellectual, cultural, literary activity, in which the reader can imagine him- or herself participating.

The author develops a novel hermeneutic methodology to examine the textual performance of the Court, by combining the work of American ‘Law and Literature’ scholar James Boyd White with the work of French philosopher Paul Ricoeur.

This methodology allows for an analysis of the role played by the Court in its legal reasoning and the vision of humanity it demonstrates: narratives of ‘self’ and ‘other’.

The synthesis of two case studies (on economically inactive EU citizens’ access to social benefits, and on data protection and privacy) results in an open-ended and self-reflective examination of the narratives about human agency and human responsibility in the case law of the Court of Justice European Union.

EU Law: The Fundamentals(文景書局)

ISBN: 9780414089938 Year: 2021  Price: GBP 29.95
Author: Katherine Langley
A b s t r a c t

EU Law – The Fundamentals presents a clear and detailed explanation of the area, with features that aid comprehension and understanding, providing an excellent grounding in the subject and a solid basis for the study of law.

The Fundamentals series introduces students to the principles of the law by way of clear text combined with visual aids, tools and diagrams to enable an easy understanding of the subject without sacrificing the detail that is required for proper comprehension. Each title assumes no level of prior knowledge, allowing the book to be used for those new to the subject and for distance learning.

SB01-510 The External Dimension of EU Social Security Coordination: Towards a Common EU Approach(文景書局)

現貨供應 ISBN: 9789004415324 Year: 2020  Price: EUR 181.00
Author: Pauline Melin
A b s t r a c t

In The External Dimension of EU Social Security Coordination: Towards a Common EU Approach, Pauline Melin provides a detailed legal analysis of the framework on social security coordination with third countries and offers alternative policy solutions to the current fragmented approach.

The analysis comprises a complete overview of the EU approach to social security coordination with third countries, 9 bilateral agreements (between Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands, with respectively India, Turkey, and USA) and international standards. Based on this analysis, the author explores the possibility from an institutional perspective to develop a common EU approach through the conclusion of EU agreements. The author concludes by favouring an alternative softer solution through an EU model agreement and proposes that the content of that model agreement be based on the best practices of the current framework.

SB01-495 EU External Relations Post-Lisbon: The Law and Practice of Facultative Mixity(文景書局)

ISBN: 9789004421974 Year: 2020  Price: EUR 165.00
Author: Merijn Chamon
A b s t r a c t

Despite the Lisbon Treaty reforming the EU Treaty provisions on external relations, it was argued at the time of the Treaty’s entry into force that ‘mixity was here to stay’. While this has indeed proven to be the case, the Court of Justice’s jurisprudence has nonetheless redrawn the contours within which mixity can thrive and for the first time has confirmed the existence of ‘facultative mixity’. In light of these significant post-Lisbon developments the volume aims to clarify the law and policy of facultative mixed agreements in the EU’s treaty practice and this not only from the perspective of EU (constitutional) law itself but also from the perspective of the EU Member States’ legal systems, that of the EU’s third country treaty partners and that of public international law itself.

Membership of the European Council in a Constitutional and Historical Perspective(文景書局)

ISBN: 9789462512214 Year: 2020  Price: EUR 79.50
Author: David Nederlof
A b s t r a c t

Heads of state or government of the member states of the European Union have a dual role: they are and remain holders of domestic executive offi ces, but at the same time members of the European Council – the EU institution that is the centre of political authority within the Union. This membership, approached here from a constitutional and historical perspective, is autonomous to the extent that it is attributed to the heads of state or government and substantively determined by the EU’s constitution. It is a key part of the EU structure and fundamental for comprehending the executive branches of the Union and of the member states as well as their relationship. The present study analyses the force of the dualitythat membership entails for the accumulation of authority within the European Council. It investigates for a number of member states – The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany – whether and how European Council membership has become compatible with and has affected domestic constitutional positions, domestic executive institutions and systems at large. It contributes to the understanding of the relation between national executives and the Union. While this relation is usually considered as one-dimensional, this study shows that the situation is more complex and interesting.

SB01-487 Concise Introduction to EU Private International Law.(文景書局)

ISBN: 9789089522085 Year: 2019 Editon: 4  Price: EUR 45.00
Author: Michael Bogdan
A b s t r a c t

This concise book is mainly intended to be used as an introduction to the rules of private international law belonging to the legal system of the European Union. It provides legal practitioners with an overview of this highly complex field of law and can serve as an introductory textbook in elective undergraduate courses and master programs offered today by many law schools both to their own students and to exchange students from other countries. The book will hopefully also be useful as a spring-board towards more profound studies of statutory texts, case law and legal literature.

SB01-484 European Union: Law Basics(文景書局)

ISBN: 9780414065680 Year: 2019 Editon: 6  Price: US$ 15.90
Author: Alan Reid

SB01-484 Introduction to European Union Law: Cases and Materials(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781642429213 Year: 2019  Price: US$ 195.00
Author: Jens C. Dammann

Mededingingsrecht: Beginselen van Europees en Nederlands Mededingingsrecht.(文景書局)

ISBN: 9789089521897 Year: 2018  Price: EUR 49.00
Author: H.H.B. Vedder
A b s t r a c t

Het mededingingsrecht is niet meer weg te denken uit onze economie en de maatschappij in het algemeen. Elke dag wordt wel ergens staatssteun uitgekeerd, een fusie aangemeld, een kartel opgerold of nagedacht over de vraag of er meer of minder concurrentie moet plaatsvinden in een bepaalde sector. Al deze vragen spelen in een weinig toegankelijk rechtsgebied waarin de beoefenaar een gedegen kennis van het recht moet combineren met economische, technische en politieke inzichten. Dit boek biedt een inleiding op de fascinerende wereld van het mededingingsrecht. Deze derde druk is volledig bijgewerkt en bevat de meest recente jurisprudentie en handhavingsactiviteit van de Commissie en ACM. Waar mogelijk zijn de gevolgen van Brexit verwerkt en is de rechtsvergelijkende component vergroot. Op die manier beoogt dit boek niet alleen bij te dragen aan een gedegen kennis van het (Europees) mededingingsrecht, maar ook aan te zetten tot kritische reflectie en eigen meningsvorming. Om de lezer hiermee te helpen begint elk hoofdstuk met een kort abstract, een weergave van de kennis die kan worden opgedaan en de kritische reflectie waartoe wordt aangezet. Hiermee is voor de lezer nog duidelijker welke kennis zij of hij kan opdoen en welke rol van haar of hem wordt verwacht in het vormgeven van het mededingingsrecht van de toekomst.

The Making of a New European Legal Culture.(文景書局)

ISBN: 9789089521903 Year: 2018  Price: EUR 68.00
Author: Roberto Caranta

EU Law.(文景書局)

ISBN: 9780414060999 Year: 2017  Price: EUR 25.00
Author: Holmes, Matthew

Principles of European Union Law Including Brexit.(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781683289449 Year: 2017 Editon: 5  Price: US$ 65.00
Author: Folsom, Ralph H.

Horizontal Effect of Fundamental Rights in EU Law.(文景書局)

ISBN: 9789089521811 Year: 2016  Price: EUR 64.00
Author: Walkila, Sonya

EU Language Law.(文景書局)

ISBN: 9789089521729 Year: 2015  Price: EUR 64.00
Author: Stefaan van der Jeught

EU Citizenship & the Constitutionalisation of the European Union.(文景書局)

ISBN: 9789089521569 Year: 2015  Price: EUR 72.00
Author: Hanneke van Eijken

Cases and Materials on European Union Law, 4th.(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781634592260 Year: 2015 Editon: 4  Price: US$ 279.00
Author: Bermann, George A.

Europeanisation of Public Law.(文景書局)

ISBN: 9789089521279 Year: 2015 Editon: 2  Price: EUR 52.00
Author: Jans, J.H.

Nutshells European Union Law.(文景書局)

ISBN: 9780414035904 Year: 2015 Editon: 8  Price: GBP 14.95
Author: Cuthbert, Mike

Proprietary Security in Movable Assets: Principles of European Law.(文景書局)

ISBN: 9783935808651 Year: 2014  Price: EUR 120.00
Author: Drobnig, Ulrich

SB01-443 Bellamy & Child: European Union Law of Competition. (Package)(文景書局)

現貨供應 ISBN: 9780198707820 Year: 2013 Editon: 7  Price: GBP 425.00
Author: Rose, Vivien

National Courts and EU Environmental Law.(文景書局)

ISBN: 9789089521286 Year: 2013  Price: EUR 68.00
Author: Jans, J.H.

Guide to European Union Law, A.(文景書局)

ISBN: 9780414027701 Year: 2013 Editon: 11  Price: GBP 36.95
Author: Mathijsen, P. S. R. F.

CISG vs. Regional Sales Law Unification: With a Focus on the New Common European Sales Law.(文景書局)

ISBN: 9783866532304 Year: 2012  Price: EUR 49.00
Author: Magnus, Ulrich

Mandate Contracts: Principles of European Law.(文景書局)

ISBN: 9783866530522 Year: 2012  Price: EUR 225.00
Author: Loos, Marco

Der Entwurf fur ein optionales europaisches Kaufrecht.(文景書局)

ISBN: 9783866532090 Year: 2012  Price: EUR 49.00
Author: Schulte-N?lke, Hans

Deutschland und Polen in der europaischen Rechtsgemeinschaft.(文景書局)

ISBN: 9783866531871 Year: 2012  Price: EUR 169.00
Author: Christian von Bar

Ein einheitliches europaisches Kaufrecht?: Eine Analyse des Vorschlags der Kommission.(文景書局)

ISBN: 9783866532137 Year: 2012  Price: EUR 69.00
Author: Schmidt-Kessel, Martin

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