
主題/關鍵字/ISBN: 匯率表
產 品 列 表

GM01-29-5 The Gale Encyclopedia of Cancer, 4-Vols/Set.(文景書局)

ISBN: 9780028677026 Year: 2021 Editon: 5  Price: US$ 968.00

A b s t r a c t

The updated edition of the Gale Encyclopedia of Cancer: A Guide to Cancer and Its Treatments will provide a fully updated, comprehensive survey of over 650 cancers, cancer drugs, traditional and alternative treatments, diagnostic procedures, and side effects. Rubrics for cancer type entries will include: Definition, Description, Demographics, Causes and Symptoms; Diagnosis; Clinical Staging; Coping with Cancer Treatments, Clinical Trials; Prevention; Special Concerns; and Resources. Rubrics for cancer drug entries will include: Definition; Purpose; Description; Recommended Dosage; Precautions; Side Effects; and Interactions. Questions to Ask Your Doctor and Key Terms sidebars will appear throughout the text. This edition will include new entries; updated entries; about 300 color images and illustrations, including a separate section of anatomical body system illustrations; a comprehensive subject index; a medical glossary; and an appendix of cancer centers, national support groups, government agencies and research groups.

Features and Benefits
•Alphabetically arranged entries, with cross references, full color photos, and tables, charts, illustrations, and graphs provide a user-friendly format that makes the broad scope of information easy to access and decipher.
•Entries typically describe scientific concepts, provide overviews of scientific subjects, and define key terms.
•Longer entries conclude with a bibliography.
•Also includes a general index and glossary.

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