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VB04-134 Mass Communications and the Influence of Information During Times of Crises(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781799875048 Year: 2022  Price: US$ 165.00
Author: Mohammed Nasser Al-Suqri
A b s t r a c t

Although global pandemics are not a new phenomenon, the COVID-19 pandemic has taken place in a very different information environment than any pandemic before it. In today’s world, information plays a critical role in all areas of life with much of this information being delivered over the internet and social media. People have access to unprecedented amounts of information from both official and unofficial sources. While these channels are beneficial for enabling authorities to obtain information necessary to manage the pandemic, there is also a higher risk of misinformation spread.

Mass Communications and the Influence of Information During Times of Crises provides a comprehensive overview of research conducted into the role of information and the media during times of international crises, particularly examining the COVID-19 pandemic. This text provides a better understanding of how to use the media as a tool for managing pandemics in the event of future global health crises. Covering topics such as crisis communication, data acquisition, and social media usage, this book is a dynamic resource for government policymakers, public health authorities, information and communications specialists, researchers, graduate and post-graduate students, professors, and academicians in a wide range of both public health and information-related disciplines.

The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to:
•COVID-19 Pandemic
•Crisis Communication
•Data Acquisition
•Data Usage
•Data-Driven Reporting
•Health Communication
•Information Behaviors
•Pandemic Management
•Social Media Influencers
•Social Media Usage

頁數: 1 / 1
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