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Computational Intelligence and Applications for Pandemics and Healthcare(文景書局)

ISBN: 9781799898313 Year: 2022  Price: US$ 380.00
Author: Sapna Singh Kshatri
A b s t r a c t

During the COVID-19 pandemic, computational intelligence and computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems have supported the effective treatment of the virus. Artificial intelligence (AI) has been playing a significant role in the rapidly emerging healthcare sector in terms of CAD, software algorithms, hardware implementation, and applications in the medical field. Through this, the constraints of the traditional system must be addressed to innovate and shed light on emerging healthcare technologies.

Computational Intelligence and Applications for Pandemics and Healthcare explores the state-of-the-art computational intelligence approaches in medical data and classifies existing computational techniques used in medical areas. It discusses the tactics and methods as well as the limitations and performances of computational intelligence applications for healthcare. The constraints of traditional healthcare systems are addressed by using CAD and computationally-intelligent medical data. Covering topics such as cloud-based monitoring systems, detection and diagnosis, and intelligent medical systems, this book is an excellent resource for computer scientists, government officials, medical students, medical professionals, hospitals, researchers, and academicians.

The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to:
•Artificial Intelligence
•Behavioral Change
•Cloud-Based Monitoring Systems
•Computational Intelligence
•COVID-19 Pandemic
•Deep Learning
•Detection and Diagnosis
•Global Human Health
•Healthcare Management
•Intelligent Medical Systems
•Internet of Things
•Machine Learning
•Mortality Risk
•X-Ray Classification

頁數: 1 / 1
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